Wedding Videography
Established 2017 | Greenville SC
Engagements • Weddings • Elopements
We provide professional, local, and family-run wedding videography services capturing once-in-a-lifetime moments forever
Videos you'll actually want to share
We understand that your special day is so much more than the ceremony - it's so many hundreds of priceless, special moments throughout the whole day. And we capture those for you for ever.
Perfect memories of your perfect moment
Experienced, creative, clandestine videography for your big moment - we won't give away the secret.
Drama-free and intimate, just like your special day
Whether a thousand guests or three, we focus on making your memories perfect.

Dave H.
Married on 03/06/2017
Fantastic and Friendly!
Matt Hainsworth is a pro! He is friendly and helpful, does a fantastic job, and captures amazing memories! As a wedding photographer who has worked with him multiple times, I would highly recommend 37Media!
7 Days Ago

Jeremiah P.
Married on 06/05/2020
Simply The Best
Matt and his team were an amazing part of our special day! They did not distract from the service at all, they were joyful and professional--perfect for a wedding! I would highly recommend Matt and his team to anyone and everyone looking for a wedding photographer.

Joel G.
Married on 08/31/2020
Quality work by a professional.
Wow! My wedding video is so awesome! THANK YOU!
5 Month Ago

Married on 08/20/2020
Highly Recommended!
Amazing job at being our wedding videographer! He was on time, and very professional... The Quality and sound of the video we outstanding! He got the perfect angles and made sure to capture every little moment!
Would highly recommend!
4 years Ago